Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Underwater Propeller Polishing in Dubai

Dolphin Diving Services undertakes underwater salvaging, underwater propeller polishing and underwater welding and cutting in Dubai. We also maintain a couple of cutting and welding rigs.

Dolphin had proven the ability to supply well experienced personnel & all type of diving equipments both for Commercial, Entertainments, Amateur and Professional needs. Also undertakes the service of all type of diving equipments.

Dolphin was therefore planned and equipped to meet international standards. We operate to these standards, everyday and in everything we do for you. All our commercial divers have international accreditation. We have ensured that we have the expertise, to fulfill your diving services requirements. Continues training ensures up to date standards at all times. 

Tel : +971 04 2674332
Fax : +971 04 2675304
Email :dolphin3@emirates.net.ae

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